Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Stairways On Sailing Ships

The ray of light blue

Locked in the castle, waiting dell'impavido knight, one day, suddenly, unexpectedly appeared a gentle beam of blue light.
This special, first when seen from a distance, he could with his sweet purity to open, albeit unwittingly, with its infinite sensibility, the heavy door of the gilded cage in which the princess was imprisoned with great wickedness.
Thanks so much for this to be special, the princess flew out freely for the first time and felt an immense happiness total.
spoke again with the heart, as he did before being shut, when he was innocently serene.
again out loud and sang perfectly in tune (in recent years her voice died choking in his throat, losing time).
He played rhythm instruments previously unknown, lost in the heady scent music.
Ball Ball intense, no longer his own pace, but finally managed to follow the rhythm of the music that "felt".
completely recovers his soul-child, her lucid madness.
He realized that he could trust his intuition, the fire that shook its own light.
discovered to be "natural" and began to kiss and embrace everyone, no reason why you would dream of being able to do.

You know, but I'll repeat one last time, my dear sweet ray of light blue, I love you and I will never cease to thank you for having opened the first door, one heavy golden cage in which I was unhappily confined for years, and nobody wanted to open, passing the moat with crocodiles, raised the drawbridge, entering the castle and are in the room most remote and dark, hidden, waiting.
You open with infinite courage that marks you, the first door, the heavy cage, and then gently, one after another, all my doors music, without my noticing, without the I understood, without you knew it, thanks.
I now "feel" because I "heard" from the beginning, to my great amazement. I felt like nobody ever, ever hear again.
And, although I'm sorry, I'm so sorry, that we found ourselves in a space-time dimension that is not right, I'm glad I found out that there are and to know ya, strange to be special!

For this, my door is always open for you. I'll always be here for you and music you feel close and vibrate with you, always.
Be happy!
Now I can fly freely, thanks to you, sweet warm ray of light blue.


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