Saturday, January 8, 2011

Prolapsed Uterus And Pregnancy

Paul Preuss, the differently abled

who rises from the valley and reaches the Gardeccia important Vajolet Refuge is almost overwhelmed by its grandeur, dall'andirivieni of hikers and tourists, from the hustle and bustle of the waiters. Only later is the case of a small building with pointed shapes, close yet distant, perched on a rocky peak that falls on the alpine meadow below. It 's a small private retreat entitled Austrian climbing Paul Preuss (1886-1913) a dolomitic rock-belle-epoque, before the sixth grade then, he has left an indelible mark in the history of not only his achievements but also for his ideas. According
Dino Buzzati " Its first and fundamental virtue is the uncompromising purity of style. Preuss scandal aroused almost caused a sensational controversy and was called suicide because he fought strenuously against the use of artificial means. The nails will not admit them, do not say in order to force a passage otherwise insurmountable, but not by insurance. He denied even the use of double rope: you had to climb a wall if was not able to descend with their only means for the same route . Well, this climber that throughout the course of his prodigious career, pitched only two nails, and that seems to anticipate the concepts "mountain by fair means" of Messner, in its time was declared unfit by the military commission military!


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