Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Letter For Completion Of Service

Like who's smart and not show it;
who knows more than others, but does not boast, who has a brain
interesting and teases;

who is naive and has a world inside;
who sees and does not judge;
who is sincere and touching;
who knows how to be different and does not care;
who is deep, but he can play and have fun with little;
who is precise and dance alone;
who is formal, but it is spontaneous;
who complied and the music inside;
who eats fancy being rational
spirit child who despite being an adult;
who read Joyce and Mickey Mouse;
who is mature and waiting for half an orange;

who felt with the heart;
who is beautiful inside and does not notice;

who knows the world and appreciate the little things;
who is with Kings and Queens and has lived with the homeless;
who is determined, but he knows recognize their mistakes and apologize;
who is strong and sensitive;
who is complicated, but simplifies things
who keeps his cool by having the fire inside;

those extraordinary and does not know;
who care about their appearance without being vain;
who wear Prada and apparel market;
who eat healthy and stuff themselves with chocolate;
who is clean and make sand castles, who first
travels the world and then looks on the sea of \u200b\u200bhis house for days;
who is polite without being coy;
giver when he has nothing to give;
whoever gives even if he does not want;

who had little and no one would say;
who has had a lot and not be seen,
who helps others while needing;
who smiles with a heavy heart;
who radiates its own light, even when asleep;
who has the Sea Inside although snow;
who breathes life even if he has more time;
who is distracted, but he realizes you;
those close yet far;
who embraces you with a look;
who has time for you even if has none;
those who do not divide with anybody;
who listens to you when you're boring;
who puts you first and himself last;
who is willing to do anything to have you and hold you close, who do you
understand even if he does not understand;
who believes in you when no one believes in you;
who makes you feel at home.


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