Saturday, September 4, 2010

Hiv Transmission Rash

Ethics and nature near Nordkapp

After meeting with the North Cape waited a lifetime (more or less consciously), yesterday afternoon I took a bus returned me to Alta, the starting point. I went down in the evening with High rain and cold. Twenty-eight
June, Monday. This morning is sunny and nine degrees. Well. I am waiting for a ride a hundred and thirty kilometers to Kautokeino, in the heart of the region of Sami in Norway have obtained legal recognition, social and economic. From these nine thousand years are in lands, it is right that they continue to be there, they have agreed the Norwegians, Scandinavians arrived much later. There were bitter struggles to achieve all this, but now the Sami have their own parliament, a territory, a language. The Sami living in Finland are not as good as them, and those residing in Russia, in the nearby Kola Peninsula, virtually non-existent law. It 's a beautiful example - the Sami and Norwegians - to build a peaceful and fruitful. Many still live
Sami nomads in tents for long periods of the year, moving in relation to migration of the reindeer. To live next to the reindeer, you must think like a reindeer, and run like a reindeer. The world, they say, is born of a special reindeer, a white reindeer, his eyes are the stars, his veins the rivers and lakes, its surface mountains and hills, and its heart is the center of the earth. When you have lost your way, put his ear to the ground and listen to the heartbeat of the white reindeer: will help you find your way.
Throughout the trip today, I will find myself next to the Alta-Kautokeino river, which in the first forty kilometers (actually the end of the river, near the mouth) winds through narrow gorges, the actual canyon, the water that gives show of himself. Are only tens of kilometers. Only water, deer, woods. After thirty miles, on top of a hill - Altitude 400 meters - I find a house, the sign of the coffee. I stop. This is a house, a farm, in whose living room have a cozy tea room equipped with a berry pie and sandwiches. I take a sandwich and coffee. I enjoy the lace at the windows, pictures of family in the cozy and clean bathroom is a corner where they have placed a chair. I'll be back in the living room, a couple of tourists - the ones that I saw this morning - she leaves, I stay alone and enchanted. The owner is in the kitchen, preparing something for tonight, a man out there - perhaps her husband - who is sawing wood. Shortly after passing the corridor a pretty girl of about twenty years - his daughter, I suppose - with weary step, in slippers, which heads in a room. I imagine a harsh life, in winter there is snow for months, stopped here in dog sledding and snowmobiles direct high in invisible paths that only the locals know. I'm going to pay. Fifty crowns, she says. I pay with a fifty crowns. The lady picks up the bill, inserts it in the cash register, and gives me the receipt . The receipt. Nobody out. High-fifty kilometers, Kautokeino to eighty, forests and a river. The receipt. I look at him, and the lady greets me smiling, he does not understand my surprise, perhaps coming to understand Italy, in the Italy of smart. It 'was the most moving experience of this trip. Here you can breathe ethics, in addition to the smell of damp earth. Now I'm
riding a plateau, with the river always impetuous, many woods and occasionally some residual winter snow plate. One of them, quite large, the shape of a dove. And as for birds, I'm lucky to witness the flight of an eagle. I stop and followed it until I see it, a ten-minute show. Eagles moves me, I've written in this blog. There is no reason related to survival for them to do all those changes, the more screwed up in the air, it's just the fun of it, probably, to do things that no other bird can do so well.
The trip runs beside the placid river, which is also quieter. It is eight o'clock in the evening, I arrived in Kautokeino, I find the hotel.
I'm hungry and sleepy. And I'm glad I got here.


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