Saturday, August 21, 2010

Is Schwartzkopf Good?

Mondadori? No, thank you!

I remember a story about a guy who wants to quit smoking. Meet a friend and asked him for a cigarette. The friend gives him a cigarette a bit 'annoyed, replied: "I thought you stopped smoking?" "Yes, I'm going, and are the first step: I stopped buying them."
I am at this stage I decided to stop buying books Mondadori, even if you do not stop playing (cheers libraries, in this case, although I'd rather see my books read in plain sight on the shelves of my study).
Why? The reason is simple: I read the article by Massimo Giannini appeared on August 19 last Republic and I decided not to pay more money to a company that becomes a law specifically to prevent the third degree of a process that in case of defeat, would have forced the Mondadori publishing house to pay 350 million euro (173 million euro of taxes due, which must be added interest, late payment and possible penalties), closing down the issue with the payment € 8.6 million, 5% of 173 million. Of course, apart from some readers of this blog, no one will notice none of my symbolic "boycott": my annual purchases of books compared to Mondadori Mondadori Group's profits are not even a paramecium compared with an elephant, but so be it. Norway, in its overseas investments of its huge pension fund, ethically choose not to invest in companies of weapons, alcohol, or exploiting child labor. I also think it ethical not to address their purchases towards companies that bypass the rules of free market and avoid tax disputes that speak of unpaid taxes, becoming more customized. And doubts as Vito Mancuso, whether to continue publishing for Mondadori, should give pause to all the authors published by Mondadori. Like Saramago, opposite the great refusal to publish a work of Einaudi author's highly critical of Berlusconi, decided to no longer want to pay, as argued ironically Le Monde in June, the cigars of the owner of Einaudi.
No, thanks.


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