Thursday, December 24, 2009
Wednesday, December 23, 2009
New Doujinshi Now On Sale
Friday, December 18, 2009
Thursday, December 10, 2009
Electrolyte For Zinc Plating

the north-east of Serra Dolcedorme, but when you come to the floor of the Pollino, we understand that is not what we want. Meanwhile, a strong and irresistible appeal comes from a big gray area, the slope Dolcedorme exhibited precisely the north, the winter could be there ... the dome summit is to imagine a better climb, even if it is simple and has often affrontata.Un consult promptly and you go straight to the Fossa del Lupo. Basically we do not have a precise goal, we just want to have fun, what matters is how you go, no matter where it comes.
It 's the first time in my 9 years of mountain that I put my foot in this magical place solitary and silent, right now I'm fascinated by this small plateau karst, I would stay there. From the solitude that reigns here, I am well aware that ever have been more appropriate name, and I feel that this is really the ideal environment for those who do not love it enough to be seen around. Not by chance is shown as an area of \u200b\u200brefuge for a good number of wolves in the Pollino.
Now what? Giuseppe note a seductive line winds between the rocks of the north wall of the valley flat Timpa (2163 m) and then, why do not you discover it? Time to say and we are already behind the wall, "rampetta" is there, even more beautiful up close. We have not been behind the helmet (except Joseph, who also had a small backpack, drove him out! Will be bottomless?) For what we had planned to do would not be served, but it should be here. At our peril ... Another thing not

do here, but we have done is go untied ... We had a piece of rope behind, a bit of material, even if not everything you need to protect us, (I repeat, we came to do this) but we also could outline a rope ...
We have not just for the sake of not doing it, that little spark of madness that sometimes assails every climber has mastered us.
But you could already see from below that the difficulties were not extreme, we are fools, but fools!
(However, it is definitely advisable to get away with wearing a helmet and insured. The rocks side to hop canned assured, especially useful if there is little snow as in our case, as in some passages that become mixed, a fall could hardly be restrained by the method retains the simple)
feel an extreme pleasure for this climb, return to do something relatively challenging for the first time in my serious injury last July in the tree frog. After a period of discouragement I see glimmers of light, with the strengthening in the gym I'm trying to avoid the dark because of a right shoulder surgery. At the moment I see that responds well. I am a little 'emotional outlet "rampetta" I'm coming back in small steps into my world ... now accompanied by the warmth of old friends, which by now (alas) you can not do more for less ... Franco, Giuseppe, Luigi, Domenico ... we wanted a strong winter and we have found ...

Monday, December 7, 2009
How To Make Tractor Cakes
cantuccini (or biscotti di Prato)
says that originally they were made with the bread dough "enriched," I have had this recipe easy, fast and in my opinion valid. The beauty is that it is easy to vary the doses (and if you're in the mood for meanness, because of the crisis, put some almond less) why you need:
300 g sugar 300 g flour "0"
3 eggs
300 grams of almonds shelled but not peeled (having their skins brown)
a tip of a teaspoon of baking powder
wanting and if you like, a few grains of anise (used, but not everyone likes so it's difficult to buy nooks we have it) Then
mix eggs and sugar until they are blended well, it takes no time, no matter reach to dissolve the sugar or make a frothy mixture.
without lumps, add the flour and baking powder, once built to put the almonds will result in a rather sticky dough, I would say obnoxious.
This should be made of narrow strips and thick on the baking oven (or non-stick or cartaforno is better) to start cooking a lot and then expand in a normal pan should be placed not more than two or three or you stick them all; in two or three batches should be run out of the mix, though.
oven at 180 for half an hour, then cut away, from warm and dry. If still too soft or soft, put them in the oven at 200 for about ten minutes.
put in a box or go on a cookie jar for several days, in fact I'm thinking of packing them in bags and make Christmas gifts, possibly decorated with bows along with a bottle of vin santo for soaking!
says that originally they were made with the bread dough "enriched," I have had this recipe easy, fast and in my opinion valid. The beauty is that it is easy to vary the doses (and if you're in the mood for meanness, because of the crisis, put some almond less) why you need:
300 g sugar 300 g flour "0"
3 eggs
300 grams of almonds shelled but not peeled (having their skins brown)
a tip of a teaspoon of baking powder
wanting and if you like, a few grains of anise (used, but not everyone likes so it's difficult to buy nooks we have it) Then
mix eggs and sugar until they are blended well, it takes no time, no matter reach to dissolve the sugar or make a frothy mixture.
without lumps, add the flour and baking powder, once built to put the almonds will result in a rather sticky dough, I would say obnoxious.
This should be made of narrow strips and thick on the baking oven (or non-stick or cartaforno is better) to start cooking a lot and then expand in a normal pan should be placed not more than two or three or you stick them all; in two or three batches should be run out of the mix, though.
oven at 180 for half an hour, then cut away, from warm and dry. If still too soft or soft, put them in the oven at 200 for about ten minutes.
put in a box or go on a cookie jar for several days, in fact I'm thinking of packing them in bags and make Christmas gifts, possibly decorated with bows along with a bottle of vin santo for soaking!
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
Percoset Constipation
The ledge on the left side of the river Raganello. (Goat path)
These days, finding a nice sunny day is almost like winning the lottery, and then, having had a gift last Sunday during our climb to Dolcedorme today , November 8, 2009, we knew he is unable to claim. But we move too. Objective: goat path, a narrow ledge that runs in wall to the left bank of the tree frog. I, Louis and Franco, about nine o'clock in the morning, under a threatening sky, we are near the top of the panoramic Timpa State Property to admire from the beautiful village of Civita. Joints where the trail drops suddenly equipped with a ledge on the real, Franco and Luigi, who are their first time on this path, seeing the thin edge of the ledge, which is more impressive here than there being up, improvise a funny curtain ! While the sky is still not promise anything good, we go down, aware that a storm, or even normal rainfall could be here at all pleasant, as that there is in the full wall along this slender thread, just not sure where equipped with metal cables, while the rest (most) is on shaky ground and no safety, where a slip could be fatal. Once off joining another dimension ... "Abandon all hope ye who enter here" ... the 400-meter gap that we have under our feet can be seen and heard everything, especially in some narrow passages where you need a very firm feet. It 's all very exciting and adrenaline, without denying that we're a little worried about the weather. Even the wind is felt. I note with amazement that runs even on a part furnished a waterfall ... in open wall, strange, we had never found here, there is a channel here. We pass under the water, we note that the anchors on the rock where it falls you are ruining it is a pity, you should review what happened at the top and see if maybe it was some human intervention in this cause. yet another beautiful walk along this segment of the air path, until we realize that we must go back, the weather conditions are getting worse, we hope to get out before it rains. The first drops fall when we are at the machine, not a heavy rain, This would have been enough to make the problem return. Certainly the advice I can give is to live this wonderful adventure with perfect weather conditions, primarily for safety, but also to derive enjoyment. Returning to us, as it was back early, we ended up in "our" favorite restaurant now ... but that's another story ... NB
mandatory helmet! Do not do as some people forget that at home!
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
Monday, April 13, 2009
Guys Masterbate Games

forepart of Timpone del Corvo
5 L - 110m - VI - R1 - The
May 25, 2008
Luca D'Alba, Luigi Winner, Massimo Gallo

The Timpone del Corvo, when viewed from the town of Frascineto front, as can be seen in the first pic, looks like a top of form almost pyramid composed of a single block, but really, if you look at the profile and then moving to one side (photo 2 and 3) shows that it is actually divided into two distinct parts, separated by a deep fork : the main body which is also the highest peak that stands with the maximum Timpone (846m) and the forepart, of course, which is about one hundred meters lower, which in turn has as its highest point in a narrow and sharp peak reached only by climbing the very steep and precipitous from every side. And 'this peak on 25 May last year we decided to climb me, Luca and Luigi, along a spur to the south-west with five pitches us has taken on the summit.
Approach: Once in the neighborhood of Frascineto head to the sports field, along the left (side entrance) and take immediately after the easy road that branches off to the right (identified by the presence of a fountain) with a few bends pointing towards the mountain.
past evident in the time of the Cave of the Well near a hairpin bend to the left, go right to the next, and soon after, another running back to the left, park your car.
Walk: Head to the right of the road through a valley and immediately begin to rise slightly diagonally on open ground at first and then through a grove of pine trees. Once Once you emerge above the treeline you see very well with the rocky buttress of ascent.

is parked on tree. shot Length: 20 m.
L2: It starts from the same tree to meet a nice step in dihedral, (IV) here the help of a comforting hourglass.
Then the land becomes easier (II) to stop after 25 meters of rope, holding on the edge of the spur on hourglass and nail (left).
L3: Depart still dihedral (IV +), then moved slightly to the right on the rocks a little less unstable, but more simple. Then left again at the point of the spur line through a plate a little delicate (V). All for 15 yards leading to intense stand up and spike nail.
L4: E 'shooting longest path. It may be convenient to divide it into two since the two curves going to do, first left then right, create a lot of friction.

L2: It starts from the same tree to meet a nice step in dihedral, (IV) here the help of a comforting hourglass.

L3: Depart still dihedral (IV +), then moved slightly to the right on the rocks a little less unstable, but more simple. Then left again at the point of the spur line through a plate a little delicate (V). All for 15 yards leading to intense stand up and spike nail.

L4: E 'shooting longest path. It may be convenient to divide it into two since the two curves going to do, first left then right, create a lot of friction.
is in part formed by a hint of fireplace wall and a large spike, (IV) (nail) then we proceed a few yards up easy rock to be in a small niche (hourglass). Go left by doing so the first corner on steps not very simple (IV + / V) up to a balcony. On the far left of the same make and start with a nail through the always to the left, which at first is very exposed, (IV) then protect them with a nut on a long diagonal crack (can not remember, but if I remember correctly Stopper No. 2) take you to another small balcony from which we bring the difficult step (useful for protecting a small tree) first-layer and then in a small dihedral that leads to rest. (V) Length 35 meters.
from the belay, there is a stretch of about 50 meters where you walk up to the summit to the base of the peak.
L5: You stay up in trees or on hourglass and head towards the aesthetic dihedral (IV-) very funny and protect (hourglasses) pointing to the sky and promises to take us to the top. After some beautiful passages on good rock, (15 m) is the peak (two nails left) of this, which is not a mountain in itself, but let's say a daughter of the majestic "Timpone", but it can give you unique emotions !
from the belay, there is a stretch of about 50 meters where you walk up to the summit to the base of the peak.

L5: You stay up in trees or on hourglass and head towards the aesthetic dihedral (IV-) very funny and protect (hourglasses) pointing to the sky and promises to take us to the top. After some beautiful passages on good rock, (15 m) is the peak (two nails left) of this, which is not a mountain in itself, but let's say a daughter of the majestic "Timpone", but it can give you unique emotions !
Wednesday, March 4, 2009
Jetta India Bluetooth
A sweet pretty easy and very good, which, in addition to meeting the throat and is used to recycle the fruit begins to be a little 'out', which has some pieces to be discarded or do not like because it matures too . Of course if you then want to do with the first fruits and exotic fruits more expensive, no one forbids it!
You can use a bit 'of everything, apart from citrus fruits because they have too much fluid (and the strawberries, because now they do not know anything, but this is my opinion). Then
200 grams of flour 200 grams sugar 00
2 eggs 1 / 2 cup of milk or a jar of plain yogurt 1 tablespoon baking
Mixed fruit (500 grams to 1 kg)
Jobs the flour with the egg and sugar, then put the milk (or yogurt), and yeast. Peeled and chopped fruit kr, then add the mixture with a distinction: if there is a lot of (5-700gr) before I put the batter into the pan and distribute over the fruit, it will sink slowly), if it is more I mix the dough first. For these doses
use a cake pan and bake for 28 cm for 1 hour at 180 degrees. On the surface, should get a nice brown color.
Ah, will not be very high.
Saturday, February 14, 2009
Reinstatement Letter Sample
economic pie pasta with broccoli - Schools of thought
Some claim that pasta and broccoli should be cooked together, as there are those who insist on separating the two processes, I belong to the second current. How do I
: the water boils, put the broccoli and the saloon;
I cook them until they are a bit 'tender, 10 min.
little drain them with a slotted spoon and put them in a pan with garlic, olive oil, hot pepper that I've done and lightly fry in which I melted salted anchovies (washed and filleted!).
Mix and add a mix of a few crumbs of stale bread soaked in half a glass of milk. While there are
broccoli and finish cooking, I throw the dough in their cooking water, cooked pasta, stir-fried with broccoli. Parmigiano.
If you like, some ring of leek raw. If
rise chilli and anchovy, a few dried mushroom (soaked and chopped done previously) there is evil.
Some claim that pasta and broccoli should be cooked together, as there are those who insist on separating the two processes, I belong to the second current. How do I
: the water boils, put the broccoli and the saloon;
I cook them until they are a bit 'tender, 10 min.
little drain them with a slotted spoon and put them in a pan with garlic, olive oil, hot pepper that I've done and lightly fry in which I melted salted anchovies (washed and filleted!).
Mix and add a mix of a few crumbs of stale bread soaked in half a glass of milk. While there are
broccoli and finish cooking, I throw the dough in their cooking water, cooked pasta, stir-fried with broccoli. Parmigiano.
If you like, some ring of leek raw. If
rise chilli and anchovy, a few dried mushroom (soaked and chopped done previously) there is evil.
Thursday, January 15, 2009
Gay Guys Masterbate Games

"Living requires an effort far greater than the simple act of breathing "
... I love this verse ... is when I read that I I repeat these words ...
From the life I want to take everything, all the beauty it has to me, I also accept the "bad" that's in it for me to live is to also look for little moments of happiness, a change from another, and inevitably, in the intervals, find the discomfort of any situation that goes wrong, the feelings that do not go as we would like, the stress of daily life that now has become a runaway train ...
Part of this "beautiful" I want to take some time out of life I find the mountains, on "my" mountains of the south, in my beloved Calabria. Climbing South precisely, we can also define "Apennines", but always remains something of a memorable winter ascent towards the blue sky above us ...

Some shoulder strap together with rope, heavy boots to shake, backpackers, harness ...
now an almost unreal, pines and beeches blacks are all whitewashed, I start to feel good, I feel I get into my house, I feel that Mountain greets me with love, does not want anything back, just wants to give me good feelings, wants to move me, wants to move me, you know that I am not alone, who knows with me ...

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