the north-east of Serra Dolcedorme, but when you come to the floor of the Pollino, we understand that is not what we want. Meanwhile, a strong and irresistible appeal comes from a big gray area, the slope Dolcedorme exhibited precisely the north, the winter could be there ... the dome summit is to imagine a better climb, even if it is simple and has often affrontata.Un consult promptly and you go straight to the Fossa del Lupo. Basically we do not have a precise goal, we just want to have fun, what matters is how you go, no matter where it comes.
It 's the first time in my 9 years of mountain that I put my foot in this magical place solitary and silent, right now I'm fascinated by this small plateau karst, I would stay there. From the solitude that reigns here, I am well aware that ever have been more appropriate name, and I feel that this is really the ideal environment for those who do not love it enough to be seen around. Not by chance is shown as an area of \u200b\u200brefuge for a good number of wolves in the Pollino.
Now what? Giuseppe note a seductive line winds between the rocks of the north wall of the valley flat Timpa (2163 m) and then, why do not you discover it? Time to say and we are already behind the wall, "rampetta" is there, even more beautiful up close. We have not been behind the helmet (except Joseph, who also had a small backpack, drove him out! Will be bottomless?) For what we had planned to do would not be served, but it should be here. At our peril ... Another thing not

do here, but we have done is go untied ... We had a piece of rope behind, a bit of material, even if not everything you need to protect us, (I repeat, we came to do this) but we also could outline a rope ...
We have not just for the sake of not doing it, that little spark of madness that sometimes assails every climber has mastered us.
But you could already see from below that the difficulties were not extreme, we are fools, but fools!
(However, it is definitely advisable to get away with wearing a helmet and insured. The rocks side to hop canned assured, especially useful if there is little snow as in our case, as in some passages that become mixed, a fall could hardly be restrained by the method retains the simple)
feel an extreme pleasure for this climb, return to do something relatively challenging for the first time in my serious injury last July in the tree frog. After a period of discouragement I see glimmers of light, with the strengthening in the gym I'm trying to avoid the dark because of a right shoulder surgery. At the moment I see that responds well. I am a little 'emotional outlet "rampetta" I'm coming back in small steps into my world ... now accompanied by the warmth of old friends, which by now (alas) you can not do more for less ... Franco, Giuseppe, Luigi, Domenico ... we wanted a strong winter and we have found ...

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