When I elementary schools, often telling jokes that would emphasize the cleverness of the Italian people - us the illusion of being the best - compared to the defects of other peoples. If today I were to invent a story like that, I would put much more prominent. I try.
There are some Norwegians who want each year reward a person in the world who have distinguished themselves in humanitarian activities, or who may be carriers of peace. The premium in question is the Nobel Prize for peace. These Norwegians, a committee elected by their Parliament, awarded the 2010 Nobel prize for peace to Liu Xiaobo, a Chinese who has promoted his country's battles for civil rights and humanitarian, and now is serving a sentence of eleven years prison for having criticized the Chinese government on several occasions.
The judges who condemned Chinese Lu Xiaobo said of him:
... Liu Xiaobo
has become guilty of the crime of inciting subversion of order current state and the socialist system, with a pipeline beyond the limits of freedom of expression . Therefore instances presented by the accused and his defense attorneys can not be accepted. Considered to be separate, nature, circumstances and degree of social dangerousness of the crime ascribed to the accused Liu Xiaobo, the Court, in accordance with Articles [...] of the Criminal Code of the Republic of China, judges
1) Liu Xiaobo The accused guilty of the crime of inciting subversion of state legislation, condemns him to a term of eleven years in prison and deprives him of his political rights for twelve years .[...]
There are Italians who have received with full honors on October 7 last year, the Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao, and agreed with him and his management aims to achieve in next 5 years, the exchange of 80 -100 billion euro. Well. We are in crisis, and these trade agreements will give a crumb of breath more to our economy. But not a word was said about human rights violations in China, how these fabulous Chinese turnovers are achieved, often by imposing forced labor (re-education campaigns) to dissidents, academics, intellectuals, students (we are talking of millions of Chinese working for free), also underpaying labor, disregarding safety rules at work. Not a word was said on the single party, the lack of press freedom, the lack, in fact, freedom of expression.
An Italian, the prime minister Silvio Berlusconi, expressed an "admiring appreciation" for the role of the international politics of China. The premier praised the "great wisdom" that there is in international relations of China which "is always presented with the desire to quell all the conflicts and resolve all situations with great wisdom and seriousness "in the sign of what a Chinese minister has established a policy inspired by" harmony. "
Almost a temporal paradox, therefore, the announcement a few hours later, on October 8, awarding the Nobel Peace Prize to Liu Xiaobo. The freezing of diplomatic relations threatened by Beijing on the eve of today's announcement did not scare the Nobel Committee.
Frost, of course, the Norwegians are used to.
Viva Norwegians. Viva Liu Xiaobo. We hope that on December 10 he will receive the award the Nobel Peace Prize in 2010.
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