Friday, August 13, 2010

Celebrate Anniversary Bangalore

dark. North Cape

the dark.
not experience that one can easily do in summer in the Arctic Circle. The dark, there is simply no. But I went looking for him. In
Nordkapp tunnel. Saturday June
twenty-six Skaidi I started from the north-east, towards the sea. A new sea, a long fjord in the Arctic Ocean is waiting for me. They are always in high plateau, there is sun and a temperature of about eighteen degrees, which contradicts the appearance of the surrounding mountains and hills carpeted with snow patches. Today will go to one hundred and twenty kilometers of solitude, to Honningsvag, distant thirty-nine miles from Nordkapp. The trees thin out more and more, I can not wait to reach the sea. I like the feeling to go from sea to sea, in this case between a fjord and the other, but with the perception of being in a land - in water, the better - hard to define, here blend into Ocean Atlantic, the Arctic, the Barents Sea just beyond, as well as Norway, Finland and Russia are interpenetrated and hawksbill intimately. When I reach the coast, everything is open.
It 's a crazy off from the sea, I'm thinking. For
not find more than eighty kilometers inlets, sea birds, two eagles and sun and wind and clouds. Despite all these idyllic visions, today will face a horrible experience, never felt before. I had underestimated.
The tunnel, by bicycle.
I'll find four to cross. From the bright light of summer in these latitudes in the dark, a dark spectrum, enhanced heat from the excursion (eighteen degrees degrees today at 6:00 to 7:00 of the tunnels).
The first two kilometers long, colder than the other three, topped by a mountain with a glacier, which drops here and there, with slippery slabs of limestone on the edges (a bit 'like stalactites).
The second, seven hundred feet, with an ominous sign at the entrance: there is no interior lighting. I have a spot in front, two rear intermittent stop. I hope that all this enough. Instead, exactly half of the tunnel, my front light is a point in a dark solid magma, proceed with terror guessing, I am too for a while in the middle of the road, fortunately at that time passing vehicles.
The third, finally, 6.8 km, which connects the island where there Magerøya North Cape to the mainland. A long descent and humid, which brings in more than two hundred feet below sea level, then a plateau a few miles in the fog, and finally rose to a nine per cent which takes you back to the surface. Every time you pass a car or a bus, the whole tunnel is an echo progressively stronger, until urlarti so unbearable when you pass by. In the uphill section I have a moment of panic. I disengages the chain and insert a more soft. I went down, with the dim light of the tunnel I can in a short time, fortunately, to hang up. And go back up to the light.
The fourth, unexpected, and four of four kilometers, greets me when my nervous tension has exhausted all the adrenaline. My fear is now tired.
are how I felt, I felt clearly, in some nightmare, with veiled lights, cold, wet, and my shortness of breath from the background. With a desire to scream, throw the bike, and crouch in a corner of the tunnel with his head in his hands.
And then we went to see the stars.


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