Monday, January 14, 2008

Kirkland Brush Set 2010?

Portfolio Environment

Sometimes those who, at any level, is reluctant to adopt the behavior a bit 'greener than in the past, attempted to adopt two strategies to resist any change of habit: to turn a blind eye and let all that he feels about it comes from one ear, passes through the cosmic void and out the other, or prophesy improbable return to the Pleistocene.
Yet it is not so complicated to put together a savings concrete and immediate to our pockets with a significant reduction of our environmental impact: have understood the Piedmont Region and the research institution Ecologos , devising a system that allows you to purchase in bulk at the supermarket, many products commonly used, starting from detergents to get even the food expenditure, with providers that allow you to purchase wine from milk to coffee, from spices to pasta, legumes, cereals, detergents, feed for pets .. .

You go to the supermarket with a bottle / container is filled and empty the dispenser; then you buy only the amount you want without the cost of packaging and packaging fall on our shoulders, saving money right away.
It 's easy to consider as this also reduces the amount of waste that eventually must be disposed of.
Unfortunately in our area (Alto Vicentino) this system is not widespread as in Piedmont, but I, and I believe many others, I would be glad to do the shopping as well. Since

try, at least in this case, should not cost much, I decided to switch to personal initiative and prepare a request (which I will distribute around to friends, acquaintances and associations that I know) as to have the main super hypermarkets and the surrounding area (in the text there are still references to the area where I live, so in theory should work everywhere, if someone wants to do the same thing by its parts).
The original PDF file is here , anyone who wants to propose the installation of the dispensers for the "bulk shopping" can download and send the request in the manner they believe most appropriate for operators of large retailers that most interest them. Of course who wants to contribute to making this small proposal is perfectly free to do so.
Some links to more information: / crai2007.htm


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