Monday, November 15, 2010

Mechadollsupply Difficulties

reading group in Florence

been three and a half years, and this story begins to become serious.

O happy. A story
unpretentious, perhaps, like the tightrope walker who looks after only the support of the foot, and with a huge range of supports to build a path. The tightrope walker never looks at the end of the wire, and so do we. One small step at a time. We
known at the opening of a library in Florence, which was supposed to leave space to handle meetings of readers, opportunities for exchange of readings, even in the evening. So it was not, the promises were unfulfilled. But on that occasion to meet, we found ourselves in a library, in a house, a bar, and then meet again for a long time at the headquarters of the Jesuits in Florence. Of course, we would have preferred a library, natural place for such an encounter, but it should be acknowledged that the Jesuits have proved the only stable reference point and friendly, and without asking a €. Thank you very much.
We meet once a month, and over time you have selected a handful of loyal readers, and also friends, at this point.
Cristina. She has read virtually everything with a smile understood the origin of the song you're reading, and provides, with its impressions, a seal of competence in the book. He travels constantly cycling in the midst of the smoke of Florence. As it does, is a mystery.
Francesca. It ranges from the classics to new, it is a pleasure to listen to it. If you accidentally forgotten in a group dinner on a scarf in her house, she will do anything to not report it. But, you know, nobody is perfect.
Ilaria. Expert in Eastern literature, especially the Japanese. Japan knows the customs and traditions, manga, words, characters and music. I knew everything that the Japanese I learned from "Lost in Translation", and a cousin who married a Japanese woman. By Ilaria I learned more about it. He hates fried fishes. That have done wrong, then.
Grace. Usually prefers short stories, sometimes leads children's stories, sometimes poetry. Once you've forgotten his reading glasses and do not read anything. Has not accepted my loan, perhaps afraid of communicable diseases via the nose.
Marco. Lately there propina Scandinavian literature, including emancipated sexual habits of those cold places. The ideal for enlivening the evening. He loves fried small fish, and women in a bathrobe.
Stefano. Does the librarian, these sessions may seem to him the extraordinary work, but does so very happily. Although he travels by bicycle in the smog of Florence, and not wearing hats as Cristina ago, he lost all his hair. Mal wanted to ... I
. Coordinate the group, every time someone tries to knock you, but my lust for power is likely to repel all attacks skillfully. I send mail, sometimes 23 hours before the meeting, and people complain about the late announcement. I say: you have to stay awake, with copies in hand and with the ready excuse to say to the person like "back in the office / I have a job to be delivered and after I explain, well, stuff like that. The first reading, I say.
Among aficionados, I want to point out two major missing last year, however, have participated in the birth and growth of this group.
Valerio, whose work and family commitments made it difficult to come.
Teresa, my poet - living - preferred.

all. Ah, we have the modalities of participation that I have racked by reading groups of Bombacarta I attended years ago, we passed down from generation to generation, and - in my opinion - to the great work: bring a text (photocopied in ten copies) than - best-one, maximum two pages of fiction or poetry - nothing wise - without, possibly, the author's name appears, you read it, then give a brief justification of why you brought that text remains anchored to the text - No trespassing in the life and works of the author - and brief discussion.
And away we go, without defending to the bitter end that text, let it at the mercy of other players, you can not re-acting after explaining its reasons.
And on another.
Anyone wishing to participate in this adventure, is welcome. For information, leave the mail in the comments, I'll be in touch.
Meanwhile, a huge thanks to my wonderful companions reading



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