Monday, November 8, 2010

Irritation From Brazilian Wax

Life is so different from mine near Nordkapp

Today is June 29, 2010, is seven kilometers from Karasjok.
I stayed at the home of a type. The type, operator of the "Engholm Husky lodge," we wanted to repay a kindness with me and offered to stay at home due to a lack of reservation. During the night I woke up and I watched from a window to the bathroom in a cold stream in the night, with the sun, his entire family and then I saw a huge vat where they are immersed in hot water. They are so different from me. I was tired, but I was rested, I do not think I would have plunged into a stream of water from melting snow of the surrounding mountains. I'm watching them with a tip envy. I sleep.
I wake up at 7, and I welcome the smiling host, who tells me something about him. The whole house was entirely built by him, almost entirely of wood. Outside has a husky dog \u200b\u200bfarm that uses six to seven months of snow trips a week with groups of eight people to watch the woods, hunting deer, and admire the aurora borealis. Six to seven months he brings people around Finnmark, and he gets alone, for the remaining runs the lodge and train dogs. I do not think that puts me to hunt deer (although there are a number reassuring about 200,000 units), but still intrigues me and I caught his lifestyle. Last night I was about to enter his house, he asked me with the decision to take off my shoes. It 'friendly and helpful, but at the same time has its fixed points. Even people carry around for six months with temperatures of minus twenty and have no dead or frozen to death in his resume makes me think that it has the nerve and that reads the invisible paths and snow in this region, does not use GPS and no snowmobiles. In short, his life is incredibly different from mine.
I greet him, and I leave for Karasjok, I reach it after half an hour. It 's the capital of the Sami people, I see from time to time people dressed in blue and red, a typical costume of the Lapps of these parts. Here are the parliament, which has a substantial decision-making power, and live in peace with the Norwegians. I visited the parliament, I had a guide who was waiting just for me, warned by telephone from the center of tourism. At the end of this structure around a futuristic design and articulated in its intended use (chamber of parliament, library, meeting rooms, administrative offices) refuses to tip the guide, is his work, he explains, has already paid . Then I stop at the museum Sami, I see their houses, I read of the use, listen to traditional songs, I will reflect on their tools and their jewels. After fifteen minutes I prepares a media room with projection of their history in Italian, just for me. In short, they have a kindness and a disposition to smile like no other. Continuation
, abandonment the town and waiting for me in solitary hours of cycling, from time to time a car passes, drizzling. On my left, on the horizon, a mountain of snow with vertical stripes that cross it entirely. These mountains, gradually closer, will accompany me throughout the day. Around me, mosses, lichens and small trees. Mosquitoes, by the thousands. Fortunately, they hate the movement of the bike, assail me when I stop to eat and take pictures. The course of the road is undulating and difficult: I'm walking in the hills close to a myriad of lakes. It stops raining, I see the sea in the distance. Even a little 'sun, now. A headlong down the side of a river outlet of a lake, and reach Lakselv, four houses equipped with four Coop (I swear that you call it that) and above all a comfortable hotel full of ladies and gentlemen who can not wait for the next day to reach Nordkapp fitted adventurous double-decker bus. I take a shower and I sling to eat. The buffet menu is ideal after eighty-five km bike. Camera facing north, the clouds are sparse, I can see the midnight sun. A


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