Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Blueprint Wooden Air Engine

few days ago a dear friend I was pleasantly surprised with his unexpected words, which I have pondered and pondered:

You have enough strength and courage to not having to lean on anyone or anything.

In fact, my motto has always been to go forward with courage, strength, enthusiasm, joy, despite adversity, problems, huge difficulties, the tremendous obstacles, colossal pain in the ass, the discomfort mangy, and more-ne-chi-ha-as-it-us.
In my opinion, the secret of life and to live it, but also how to live it.
We are on earth to suffer, to learn from our mistakes and those of others. If all goes well, it was smooth as oil, do not learn a damn thing right.
You learn, then you can appreciate, when everything goes wrong, when there is darkness all around us, when we seem to drown from the weight on the shoulders of the problems we have and we would like to shake off.
The main thing is not to drown, never losing his smile, having the courage to say that, despite all, life is beautiful because, sooner or later, will return the weather.

When you need it, knocks on my door and I'll make a good injection of optimism and energy.
This is not because in my life I have always been good things, indeed, if I told you all that past, and of which there is no trace here of course, surprised everyone.
I'm just like: I am a pretty optimistic by nature, are one with contropalle (I said so, as a teen, to job interviews), one who knows how to say no, but one that is broken does not bend even under torture , one that does not show his Achilles heel, a hard outside because it is vulnerable and helpless inside, one that goes on even when can not do it, smiling instead of crying, crying in secret and alone in the dark, who has the courage to go his way or change direction when they all go away and ... who loves me follow me because I'm going to go where I want the same, alone or with others (for now alone, is obviously the price I paid)!


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