Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Bleeding When I Wee At 5 Weeks?

Footjob on ossola.it

Download or browse the magazine online. PDFs are available on the day of publication OSSOLA.it is the journal of the Ossola valleys of tourist information, a magazine distributed in the province of the VCO topic and some points outside of Milan, Gallarate, and Novara.

What better way, then, to illustrate the beauty of the area and give voice to those who work and produce, that a free press magazine. A brochure available to anyone, supported the publication online, available anywhere in the world, thanks to the abstracts in English.
Ossola.it is an ambitious and important project, on paper and translate the ideas behind it, we set as goals the quality of information, easy reading, the usefulness of the message, and a nice graphic .


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