ForHeroes blog is one year old, difficult in many ways, some things gone, trashed, as if it never existed! Other strong contrast to the certainty of growing from time to time giving me excitement and new ideas that continue to change and change without getting to the point.
The last two times I used Footjobs after a few laps in good snow, Stane feelings assail me, as apnea, I was talking last night with a friend, and I think it's the first table ever built, producing controidicazioni in the patient who uses it. Let me explain: its use makes you feel and I repeat thrills, adrenaline, free diving to the bottom of the track, in fact sends me out. This season I've only ever used Footjobs and Flashback, prohibitive in all conditions, even for two models to be fresh, because I strongly believe in the possible developments of these two models. A five
to those that run with Forheroes snowboards and thank you for these snowboards, to my father that turns bad and all those we got their hands ..
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