Saturday, April 24, 2010 in Lucca, at the third day of the Forum of Solidarity, which speaking environment, I attended a memorable intervention by Moni Ovadia. I recorded his speech and then I translated the complete paper. Moni Ovadia belongs to my way of looking at that group of people that you feel proud to listen, to know, to see. A sort of just of the earth. I can tell my children to have heard, known, seen.
Below is his emotional speech. Happy reading, at least for those who are not afraid of a very long post.
(Toni La Malfa)
Let me start with a small tip of the words of the Archbishop of Lucca, who spoke before me, a reversal that is in the spirit of what we are saying in recent days. His eminence said who is a friend of God is man's best friend. I allow myself to reverse this thinking, saying, Who is man's best friend is a friend of God. I grew up in Italy and I had a schizophrenic life, a part of my life took place on the outskirts of cities, mostly in the suburbs of a large Italian city that is Milan. At that time, foreigners were our countrymen in the south. How far our migrants receive calumnies and insults, then received their compatriots in the south. I am old enough to remember the words: away from our southern cities. It 's an old disease, the plague of intolerance. E 'disease to which our humanity is sick seriously, because intolerance towards others is reflected towards the life of the planet. Nature is our traveling companion, the animals are our companions, as all men should be mutually fellow travelers. Precisely because of this intolerance has developed in the bosom of man's journey some heinous crimes. the bigger, serious and disgusting of all crimes was colonialism. Before the crimes of colonialism, the figure of Stalin is an amateur. Unfortunately, the crimes of colonialism were committed hoisting religious symbols, religious symbols, just those who had spoken of brotherhood, love of neighbor, love for humble. As the problem is related to the environment of respect for people? The colonial mentality is still very widespread and extremely pernicious because it is disguised as another. Forgive me if I will use very strong words, but not longer than understatement, is about the life of the planet and the lives of human beings. We are like Donald Duck walking over the abyss and if they have not yet noticed, but soon we notice it. Amid the great wisdom to continue with the opening of his eminence, I want to refer to the biblical text. I'm not a great scholar, I am an acrobat, I am a theatrical, not a believer, are an agnostic, but I believe that great books tell us everything. Meanwhile, tell us that man, the human being, the matrix of all the people of this earth, his name is Adam, this tells the biblical text. In Italian, the name Adam says little, it's just a proper name. Adam comes from the Hebrew word meaning serf Adaman, sod, earth. The correct translation of the word Adam is "the gleboso, the Clod level." The text indicates that we are made of the same matter in the universe, and therefore if we are holy, holy is the land which we are made. Therefore, any destruction against a ground of a river - keep in mind that 75% are composed of water and when we are infants, we are 95% water, think water does wonders - all havoc we do in respect of land and water is a mess we do to ourselves. This is an issue that does not concern the right or the left, far to the pure common sense. If you poison the water poisoning myself if poisoned the land poisoned myself, my children and poison their future. What brings us to poison the earth? the great Mahatma Gandhi said, this earth has enough for everyone's needs but not enough for the greed of a few. What made us take this wretched planet is the result of the greed of a few. This greed and this great ease in using it derives from the concept called privilege. Primo Levi, the great writer deported to Auschwitz, known around the world, especially for the book "If This Is a Man" said that fascism is the logic of the privilege. If you want to prevent all this devastation, we must oppose the logic of the privilege, anyone who believes that his privileges are rights. The privilege is based on contrasts of a set of sacred principles of humanity in the aftermath of the catastrophe of World War II: the principle of equality. All men - says Article 1 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights - are born free and equal in dignity and equal rights. The word equality had also sanctioned the French Revolution. When they put the three columns that were to carry the building of democracy, they chose these three words: Liberté, Egalité, Fraternity. today feels much squawking of freedom, but nobody is talking about equality. It 'clear that freedom without equality is a despicable fraud, a cruel deception. The two words, moreover, can not live without the word solidarity: I feel like my like my brother, whoever he is, wherever he lives on this planet and I feel committed to it. This concept comes from before the French Revolution, is the universal blessing of Abraham, Isaac is not the occasion on which sacrificed and the holy blessed Abraham will say: we bless you in all the families of the earth. A blessing for many families, not a type: every family on earth give blessings according to its culture and this concerns the rights of peoples. Here are the contents of Leviticus 18.19 in the legendary command, [Moni Ovadia recites the Hebrew language] is often confused in the various translations, which means instead: "You shall love your neighbor as for yourself." In a nutshell means that you may also be unpleasant, nevertheless, you gotta love him for what you love for you. The commandment of love is not a commandment bleating, but it is the foundation of a peaceful humanity. In the holy Hebrew language there is no present tense of the verb to be, as is implied in the Russian language. The philosopher Levi Nas puts this assumption: in philosophy comes first ethics, not logic. Levi Nas gives this translation: love for your neighbor who is as yourself. The commandment of love goes hand in hand with the commandment of equality. Freedom, democracy, private from the concept of equality is a caricature. Freedom and democracy can exist only between men equal. In our planet at this moment there are men who consider themselves more equal than others, and think the planet is not for everyone. Mortgage the planet for their greed even in future generations, pretending that no one will come after them. These people do not even see their children, or rather sees them as robots, puppets to swallow with objects rather that future. Here once again writing to our aid: the holy blessed in announcing the Jubilee in Leviticus 23.25 says, "set in the fiftieth year the Jubilee" and then says: "The earth is mine." The land is mine, saith the Holy One, blessed, and for those not believing the land pertains to life, the universe. Groups of men can not decide to do what they want the resources of the planet, but this is what is happening. I think - my opinion - the privatization of water, the privatization of seeds an act of gangsterism, is not a matter of economics. The market is not god. The market is a structure created to regulate socio-economic relations of men. Good management the market can have a healthy economy with a fair distribution of resources, but can not become god. And so the economy must have its limit in the most important of those principles which are the economic rights, justice, dignity of men and peoples. We must stop talking about the environment - is a word that is already emptying, the redundancy of the words empty words themselves - we're not talking about political balance, we are talking about flesh and blood, guts, these are at stake. To tell you that I care less than nothing of the political parties give you an example: in the U.S. is public water to 98% and one of the supporters of all this is Bloomberg, the mayor of New York, which is certainly not an environmentalist. Here we are talking about basic rights, life itself. We arrived in extreme forms of perversion of the environment, the environment not only as the space in which we live, but the human environment for purely economic reasons. We speak, such as the terrifying history of asbestos and the effects on the health of hundreds of thousands of men in the world: one small asbestos dust which deposits in human pleural mesothelioma produces one of the most terrible cancers. There have been years in the factories where the men complaining about asbestos health damage - damage that was already known from the early twentieth century and widely studied in the thirties - but it did work the men condemned to a terrible death to watch, and also a part of trade unions defending this thing "because they must work, because the economy is going forward and today these men die of cancer one after another. What happened to us? What happened to us, because multitudes are deprived of their traditional crops in favor of aggressive and brutal economy that seeks to take control of their lives? Not higher or lower earnings, but also submits to human health to the logic of greed, robbery. All this can no longer be tolerated because he went too far.
We have a number of media ecosystem that infect the mind and do not inform us on anything. Inquire seriously means learning to navigate the network and have reliable sources, not rumors, not quacks television, not backyard brawls, but information and knowledge. Try it and see what you design in our planet: the exploitation of whole continents of the foot to take profits on gains for four cats. We know that the green economy could be much larger had it not been for economic powers that have bent the oil development to their interests and nothing else. So we have to stop talking about party politics in terms of forces. We need to talk about politics back at the center of it human affairs, anthropological, ethical. Ethics. Two thousand years ago Jesus said a basic, powerful and powerful: Blessed are the last who will be the first. But Jesus did not intend in the afterlife, "nell'aldiqua. Not until the last shall be first here, not after death. It 's a message that Jesus takes Moses, who leads a nation of slaves and foreigners. The election is the election of the Jewish Jews. The word jew has two possible roots [Moni Ovadia said in the Hebrew language], the first means "ferry". Abraham ferries mankind from idolatry to humanism. The other possibility is "criminal", not the thug robber but the subversive, the leaking. Moses leads a patchwork of nations, were not a homogenous group: there were the Israelites of Jacob, but also mesopotamia walled the Egyptian fugitives, was the Wild Bunch. And 'the idea of \u200b\u200ba God who says, my elected officials are the latest, mischiatevi foreigners, those are my elected representatives.
Still referring to the Bible: What is the Flood? Why is it caused? Our teachers say that the wrath of God is not triggered in the presence of evil, but something else worse than the disease itself: the indifference to evil. When, for example, large numbers of people to self-styled good see and run the other way. The Flood - a drowning, rather than living beings, of a language, a perverted sense - it was caused by an attempt to remedy the evil god and, indeed, against the indifference of it, like today. There are men who are of all colors, but they are good at keeping a hair below the Justiciability. Their actions do not go out into the open to allow the legal process activation. Sometimes this happens, but rarely. How to Wall Street when the police took away four hundred of them in handcuffs. They are the ones that are ravaging the planet to make immense profits that do not even know where to poke. They are the ones who ask for money to the state for the banks and re-invest them only in their speculations, and are never judged. If a man can never be tried - not for revenge, but justice - what hope do we have? This is not a Hebrew or Jacobean discourse: discourse is a Christian based on the Beatitudes. Jesus issues the commandments of Christianity, are in the Sermon on the Mount and are called the Beatitudes. There two say: Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness for they shall be satisfied, and to drink. Blessed are they which are persecuted for reasons of justice for they shall be called sons of God. Two out of eight beatitudes are dedicated to justice. Some of my priest friends who are fighting the Mafia, which are close to the unfortunates who live daily the ravages of environmental destruction and human rights, they say this: the first duty of a Christian is to do justice. This is true even for a jew or a layman. We must return to the real sources with harsh words, but not aggressive. The truth of a language is not never violence. The struggle against injustice and oppression is never violent. E 'courage and foresight, is justice.
We witnessed a great miracle: we saw an African-American to become president of the junta mestizo great world power. Think if I said forty years ago in Texas: I would put on a cross burned in your head. E 'was thanks to those who fought, who know that the fight is not synonymous with violence, but it is courage and justice, it was thanks to those that we have witnessed this miracle. If we fight we will, if we can not even turn his head for a moment not to see violations of the rights of people, maybe one day a generation may say, there were men in that generation who fought mediocre because we saw a day of justice and peace, and a world of beauty, because the green economy, create economies compatible beauty, as well as healthy economy. But above all, peace and equality. To say that all men come from a single array, it's a bit 'insane, it's just a parable. But the masters of the Talmud agree in saying that all men come from one man to affirm peace, because no one can say to another man, my plan was better than yours.
(Moni Ovadia)
Below is his emotional speech. Happy reading, at least for those who are not afraid of a very long post.
(Toni La Malfa)
Let me start with a small tip of the words of the Archbishop of Lucca, who spoke before me, a reversal that is in the spirit of what we are saying in recent days. His eminence said who is a friend of God is man's best friend. I allow myself to reverse this thinking, saying, Who is man's best friend is a friend of God. I grew up in Italy and I had a schizophrenic life, a part of my life took place on the outskirts of cities, mostly in the suburbs of a large Italian city that is Milan. At that time, foreigners were our countrymen in the south. How far our migrants receive calumnies and insults, then received their compatriots in the south. I am old enough to remember the words: away from our southern cities. It 's an old disease, the plague of intolerance. E 'disease to which our humanity is sick seriously, because intolerance towards others is reflected towards the life of the planet. Nature is our traveling companion, the animals are our companions, as all men should be mutually fellow travelers. Precisely because of this intolerance has developed in the bosom of man's journey some heinous crimes. the bigger, serious and disgusting of all crimes was colonialism. Before the crimes of colonialism, the figure of Stalin is an amateur. Unfortunately, the crimes of colonialism were committed hoisting religious symbols, religious symbols, just those who had spoken of brotherhood, love of neighbor, love for humble. As the problem is related to the environment of respect for people? The colonial mentality is still very widespread and extremely pernicious because it is disguised as another. Forgive me if I will use very strong words, but not longer than understatement, is about the life of the planet and the lives of human beings. We are like Donald Duck walking over the abyss and if they have not yet noticed, but soon we notice it. Amid the great wisdom to continue with the opening of his eminence, I want to refer to the biblical text. I'm not a great scholar, I am an acrobat, I am a theatrical, not a believer, are an agnostic, but I believe that great books tell us everything. Meanwhile, tell us that man, the human being, the matrix of all the people of this earth, his name is Adam, this tells the biblical text. In Italian, the name Adam says little, it's just a proper name. Adam comes from the Hebrew word meaning serf Adaman, sod, earth. The correct translation of the word Adam is "the gleboso, the Clod level." The text indicates that we are made of the same matter in the universe, and therefore if we are holy, holy is the land which we are made. Therefore, any destruction against a ground of a river - keep in mind that 75% are composed of water and when we are infants, we are 95% water, think water does wonders - all havoc we do in respect of land and water is a mess we do to ourselves. This is an issue that does not concern the right or the left, far to the pure common sense. If you poison the water poisoning myself if poisoned the land poisoned myself, my children and poison their future. What brings us to poison the earth? the great Mahatma Gandhi said, this earth has enough for everyone's needs but not enough for the greed of a few. What made us take this wretched planet is the result of the greed of a few. This greed and this great ease in using it derives from the concept called privilege. Primo Levi, the great writer deported to Auschwitz, known around the world, especially for the book "If This Is a Man" said that fascism is the logic of the privilege. If you want to prevent all this devastation, we must oppose the logic of the privilege, anyone who believes that his privileges are rights. The privilege is based on contrasts of a set of sacred principles of humanity in the aftermath of the catastrophe of World War II: the principle of equality. All men - says Article 1 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights - are born free and equal in dignity and equal rights. The word equality had also sanctioned the French Revolution. When they put the three columns that were to carry the building of democracy, they chose these three words: Liberté, Egalité, Fraternity. today feels much squawking of freedom, but nobody is talking about equality. It 'clear that freedom without equality is a despicable fraud, a cruel deception. The two words, moreover, can not live without the word solidarity: I feel like my like my brother, whoever he is, wherever he lives on this planet and I feel committed to it. This concept comes from before the French Revolution, is the universal blessing of Abraham, Isaac is not the occasion on which sacrificed and the holy blessed Abraham will say: we bless you in all the families of the earth. A blessing for many families, not a type: every family on earth give blessings according to its culture and this concerns the rights of peoples. Here are the contents of Leviticus 18.19 in the legendary command, [Moni Ovadia recites the Hebrew language] is often confused in the various translations, which means instead: "You shall love your neighbor as for yourself." In a nutshell means that you may also be unpleasant, nevertheless, you gotta love him for what you love for you. The commandment of love is not a commandment bleating, but it is the foundation of a peaceful humanity. In the holy Hebrew language there is no present tense of the verb to be, as is implied in the Russian language. The philosopher Levi Nas puts this assumption: in philosophy comes first ethics, not logic. Levi Nas gives this translation: love for your neighbor who is as yourself. The commandment of love goes hand in hand with the commandment of equality. Freedom, democracy, private from the concept of equality is a caricature. Freedom and democracy can exist only between men equal. In our planet at this moment there are men who consider themselves more equal than others, and think the planet is not for everyone. Mortgage the planet for their greed even in future generations, pretending that no one will come after them. These people do not even see their children, or rather sees them as robots, puppets to swallow with objects rather that future. Here once again writing to our aid: the holy blessed in announcing the Jubilee in Leviticus 23.25 says, "set in the fiftieth year the Jubilee" and then says: "The earth is mine." The land is mine, saith the Holy One, blessed, and for those not believing the land pertains to life, the universe. Groups of men can not decide to do what they want the resources of the planet, but this is what is happening. I think - my opinion - the privatization of water, the privatization of seeds an act of gangsterism, is not a matter of economics. The market is not god. The market is a structure created to regulate socio-economic relations of men. Good management the market can have a healthy economy with a fair distribution of resources, but can not become god. And so the economy must have its limit in the most important of those principles which are the economic rights, justice, dignity of men and peoples. We must stop talking about the environment - is a word that is already emptying, the redundancy of the words empty words themselves - we're not talking about political balance, we are talking about flesh and blood, guts, these are at stake. To tell you that I care less than nothing of the political parties give you an example: in the U.S. is public water to 98% and one of the supporters of all this is Bloomberg, the mayor of New York, which is certainly not an environmentalist. Here we are talking about basic rights, life itself. We arrived in extreme forms of perversion of the environment, the environment not only as the space in which we live, but the human environment for purely economic reasons. We speak, such as the terrifying history of asbestos and the effects on the health of hundreds of thousands of men in the world: one small asbestos dust which deposits in human pleural mesothelioma produces one of the most terrible cancers. There have been years in the factories where the men complaining about asbestos health damage - damage that was already known from the early twentieth century and widely studied in the thirties - but it did work the men condemned to a terrible death to watch, and also a part of trade unions defending this thing "because they must work, because the economy is going forward and today these men die of cancer one after another. What happened to us? What happened to us, because multitudes are deprived of their traditional crops in favor of aggressive and brutal economy that seeks to take control of their lives? Not higher or lower earnings, but also submits to human health to the logic of greed, robbery. All this can no longer be tolerated because he went too far.
We have a number of media ecosystem that infect the mind and do not inform us on anything. Inquire seriously means learning to navigate the network and have reliable sources, not rumors, not quacks television, not backyard brawls, but information and knowledge. Try it and see what you design in our planet: the exploitation of whole continents of the foot to take profits on gains for four cats. We know that the green economy could be much larger had it not been for economic powers that have bent the oil development to their interests and nothing else. So we have to stop talking about party politics in terms of forces. We need to talk about politics back at the center of it human affairs, anthropological, ethical. Ethics. Two thousand years ago Jesus said a basic, powerful and powerful: Blessed are the last who will be the first. But Jesus did not intend in the afterlife, "nell'aldiqua. Not until the last shall be first here, not after death. It 's a message that Jesus takes Moses, who leads a nation of slaves and foreigners. The election is the election of the Jewish Jews. The word jew has two possible roots [Moni Ovadia said in the Hebrew language], the first means "ferry". Abraham ferries mankind from idolatry to humanism. The other possibility is "criminal", not the thug robber but the subversive, the leaking. Moses leads a patchwork of nations, were not a homogenous group: there were the Israelites of Jacob, but also mesopotamia walled the Egyptian fugitives, was the Wild Bunch. And 'the idea of \u200b\u200ba God who says, my elected officials are the latest, mischiatevi foreigners, those are my elected representatives.
Still referring to the Bible: What is the Flood? Why is it caused? Our teachers say that the wrath of God is not triggered in the presence of evil, but something else worse than the disease itself: the indifference to evil. When, for example, large numbers of people to self-styled good see and run the other way. The Flood - a drowning, rather than living beings, of a language, a perverted sense - it was caused by an attempt to remedy the evil god and, indeed, against the indifference of it, like today. There are men who are of all colors, but they are good at keeping a hair below the Justiciability. Their actions do not go out into the open to allow the legal process activation. Sometimes this happens, but rarely. How to Wall Street when the police took away four hundred of them in handcuffs. They are the ones that are ravaging the planet to make immense profits that do not even know where to poke. They are the ones who ask for money to the state for the banks and re-invest them only in their speculations, and are never judged. If a man can never be tried - not for revenge, but justice - what hope do we have? This is not a Hebrew or Jacobean discourse: discourse is a Christian based on the Beatitudes. Jesus issues the commandments of Christianity, are in the Sermon on the Mount and are called the Beatitudes. There two say: Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness for they shall be satisfied, and to drink. Blessed are they which are persecuted for reasons of justice for they shall be called sons of God. Two out of eight beatitudes are dedicated to justice. Some of my priest friends who are fighting the Mafia, which are close to the unfortunates who live daily the ravages of environmental destruction and human rights, they say this: the first duty of a Christian is to do justice. This is true even for a jew or a layman. We must return to the real sources with harsh words, but not aggressive. The truth of a language is not never violence. The struggle against injustice and oppression is never violent. E 'courage and foresight, is justice.
We witnessed a great miracle: we saw an African-American to become president of the junta mestizo great world power. Think if I said forty years ago in Texas: I would put on a cross burned in your head. E 'was thanks to those who fought, who know that the fight is not synonymous with violence, but it is courage and justice, it was thanks to those that we have witnessed this miracle. If we fight we will, if we can not even turn his head for a moment not to see violations of the rights of people, maybe one day a generation may say, there were men in that generation who fought mediocre because we saw a day of justice and peace, and a world of beauty, because the green economy, create economies compatible beauty, as well as healthy economy. But above all, peace and equality. To say that all men come from a single array, it's a bit 'insane, it's just a parable. But the masters of the Talmud agree in saying that all men come from one man to affirm peace, because no one can say to another man, my plan was better than yours.
(Moni Ovadia)