We had to climb the steep sides of hot and "Iddru," but he did not want, gruff and domineering, hooded to avoid being seen by anyone, has recruited its rough seas, wind, rain ... we got to Lipari and the ship has stopped, "Do not you go to Stromboli, one can only go back!" There is already organized for the next day and for Saturday afternoon ... Meanwhile, take a ride to Lipari with a Punto cabrio red tamarro "hired on the spot ... lacked the stereo at high volume, sin, would have completed it all! We return to Reggio, while the gags of the group there: who among the people on the ferry out of the elevator with their backs to the wall and leveled his gun and pretended to be the bodyguard of friends, who climbs on the walls of the waterfront Reggio Calabria, who improvises a promenade on the same race involving almost any passer-by, who is still running even ... is true, it becomes more and more large returns children, I enjoy more now that as a child! Everything ends with a flourish with a seafood dinner in a restaurant of Scylla.
The next morning you wake up with the sun, even if it's cold and windy. It goes to Canolo climbing! Who wants to always find something good to do, right? Apart from the personal cloud that follows us, (it will be someone's fault?) But fortunately does not drain water, we enjoy the great climbing facilities on the beautiful cliff of which I fall in love at first sight! Then the final gem, a beautiful panoramic tour to admire the fabulous "Towers" or "Dolomiti" in the ... Canolo peesaggio is spectacular, the company also ... is yet another conquest of our inner freedom ...

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